We promise our customers a high quality, standardised and reliable service experience. To fulfill this promise, we work closely with our hand-picked service partners, enabling them with technology, training, products, tools, financing, insurance and brand, helping them succeed and deliver on this promise.
David Paul
I could get back my laptop and my laptop bag during my travel to a client's location because of TFS. My office laptop contained data worth more than millions of dollars.
Rishi Sunak
When I lost my phone, I was certain I will not have financial loss but getting phone backup data and important document which stored on device was a pain. Safe Tag helped me save more than 30 hours of my efforts..
Saint Peter
Irrespective of how much ever I keep losing things. TFS helped me already to get my stuff back thrice including my laptop and mobile chargers. Sometimes within my office of 100+ employees.
Joe Biden
When I lost my wallet, I was certain I will not have financial loss but getting back my three credit cards and five debit cards was a pain. TFS helped me save more than 30 hours of my efforts.